
Trash Cans:

Please remember; do not place trash cans on the curb prior to the night before trash pickup and always store your trash containers out of site from the street.

Unsightly Conditions

It takes everyone in Pecan Grove to keep our neighborhood looking good.
If you identify an unsightly issue or a possible deed restriction please notify us at the office (281)-344-9496, send us an email or or simply fill out the Deed Restriction Complaint Form on our Website by going here – Deed Restrictions

We will address the issue as quickly as possible and notify you of status if requested.

Vehicles parked on the Curb

Please park your vehicle in the driveway if at all possible, cars parked in the street create a serious safety hazard for our children as well as Emergency Vehicles


Pecan Grove is a Deed Restricted Community and as such, all residents are encouraged to adhere to the By-Laws.  If you are unsure of possible deed restrictions or rules concerning property improvements, see below on how to obtain a copy of the covenants for your section of the neighborhood.

Deed Restrictions:

The sole purpose of Deed Restrictions is to maintain the desired appearance in a neighborhood. Adherence to these guidelines is critical for Pecan Grove to remain a community that we can be proud to live and raise a family as well as protect and increase property values.

Deed Restrictions in Pecan Grove are specific to your section and contains information informing you of responsibilities for maintaining your residence as well as restrictions/guidelines if planning modifications to your existing property or dwelling.

How do you obtain a copy of your covenants?

Residents should have received a copy of the covenants specific to their section in Pecan Grove when purchasing their home. If you have misplaced or just need a new copy of the covenants, visit the POA office Tuesday thru Thursday, 9am to 2pm and we will be happy to provide you a copy or if you wish to view or print a copy from the web site go here >>>Covenants<<<

How can I find my section?

The Pecan Grove Subdivision contains 25 sections, including the Greens Section 1 & 2 and the Terrace, with each section containing its own unique set of covenants. You can identify your specific section simply by reviewing your account number on your annual maintenance statement or by looking at the monthly newsletter directly above your mailing address. You will notice nine numbers listed: 1st three references your specific Section, the second set of numbers is your Block and the last of numbers identify your Lot. i.e. 001-001-123 – Section 1, Block 1, lot 123:


You may be notified from time to time that we have identified a deed restriction or unsightly issue at your resident. Please review and address the issues promptly, if you would like to discuss or need additional time to resolve the problem, reach out to our office or you can contact one of the Board Members that have oversight of the Deed Restrictions.